What Is Anti-Graffiti Coating and How Does It Work?

Modern cities all over the world have come to welcome and even encourage street art. These murals often help enhance how a neighbourhood looks and can even contribute to local culture and tourism. However, graffiti and vandalism are another story. If you deliberately deface government or private property, no matter how artistic you feel it might be, it’s a violation of the law. While there are laws in place to punish vandals, owners are still left with the problem of removing the graffiti from their properties.

How Do You Protect a Wall From Graffiti?

Some property owners turn to nature to help deter vandals. For example, they let ivy or other creeping plants cover the walls. Planting thorny vines and bushes like roses or bougainvillea in front of walls is also a common strategy, which comes with the bonus of being visually pleasing. There are also those who use walls, gates, or other barriers. Then, there’s also the “if you can’t beat them, join them” path. Property owners “preempt” vandals and already cover their walls with large murals.

You can also rely on products such as an anti-graffiti coating. Essentially, it’s something that you put on walls so that the graffiti paint will not stick to the wall. This coating can be a type of paint or a separate, clear coating added on top of the paint. If you’re interested in this option for your own home, you can get in touch with an anti-graffiti coating Perth provider to know your options.

Different Types of Anti-Graffiti Coating Products

There are two popular kinds of anti-graffiti coating: sacrificial and permanent. A sacrificial coating acts as a “shield.” When the surface gets vandalised, the coating can be easily removed (essentially “sacrificed”) using a high-pressure washer. When you wash the coating off, the graffiti goes with it. Afterwards, you can apply a new sacrificial coating. This is an ideal solution for surfaces that can easily be accessed and are vandalised again and again.

Meanwhile, a permanent coating creates a protective layer on top of the surface being protected. This layer is formulated so that paint can’t bond to it. When someone sprays graffiti on the coated surface, the paint can simply be wiped off. The permanent coating is left intact and the paint beneath it isn’t damaged. This kind of coating, also called a non-sacrificial coating, is more expensive. With proper application, however, it should last for a very long time.

There’s also what is called a semi-sacrificial coating, which “seals” the pores of the protected surface. Graffiti can be removed using a solvent and high-pressure washer. This kind of coating can generally last through two graffiti “attacks,” after which it should be reapplied.

Whichever anti-graffiti coating you choose, they generally share the same characteristics: they’re water-repellant, UV-resistant, and are easy to clean. Ideally, they should also be environmentally friendly.

It’s nearly impossible to completely eliminate vandalism through graffiti. It’s annoying, but it’s the truth. Thankfully, there are now more ways than ever to protect your property from getting vandalised. Look into anti-graffiti coatings, especially if your property has plenty of spaces prone to vandalism. Perhaps these coatings are the solution to your graffiti problems.

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