Tips for Keeping Your HVAC System in Great Shape

Over the summer months your heating system sits around getting dusty, which is why you may want to check on it a bit before the winter months hit and you are stranded in the cold. The best way to maintain a heating system is to be proactive and care for it with regular HVAC technician visits and plenty of care from you. There are simple tasks that you can do at home in the autumn to make sure that your heater is ready for the cold before you find your family struggling without heat during the first cold spell. These tips are not only valuable in the winter time, but also year round because you never know when your heater could use some help.

Simply Check that the Unit Works

This may seem self-explanatory, but some people never think to turn on their heating system during the off months. This is a great way to make sure that the heat actually still works, and ensures that the motor blower is still working properly. It is a good idea to test your heater at least a month before you anticipate using it so that you can make sure your motor blower is still operational. This is actually the component that is most likely to go out during the off season. If you wait until the last minute you may be surprised by the costs because the nearby residential HVAC technician Sacramento CA will be swamped with repair requests.


Check the Furnace Filer

Many people forget that the furnace has a filter, but doing so could mean breathing dirty and very unhealthy air all winter. It can also cause your heater to eventually clog up and stop working. Therefore, it is vital that you get in the habit of replacing your furnace filter on a regular basis. You should replace your furnace filter at the start of every winter, but you should keep an eye on it after that closely. Most experts say that the filter should be checked at even intervals monthly during use to make sure it remains clean. If there are pets in the home you may want to check it more frequently.

Dust Off the System

Speaking of clean air, you want to make sure your HVAC system is capable of providing clean air by clearing dust out of your system before you start it up. That odd odor that you smell when you test run your heating system is actually all of the dust and particles that have been sitting on it during the summer months. If you start it up early in the warmer months you can open the windows and get the stale air and smell out of your home before the cold months come.

Have an HVAC Specialist Visit

The best way to keep your HVAC system up to par is by scheduling regular maintenance from an HVAC technician. They will come out every here to five years depending on the age of your system and assess your heating system for breaks or cracks. Regular assessment spots problems before they shut down your heating making it your best bet to keeping your system working at all times.
