Posts Tagged ‘Investment’

Maximize Your Custom Home Investment

When you have a custom home built it gives the homeowner complete control over every aspect of your new home. Working with a Victoria BC custom home builder means you can create a home that suits your lifestyle and taste. If you decide to sell at some point the location, style of home and finishes are all great selling features. Meanwhile you are enjoying a home that has a lot of added value because you’ve put a lot of thought into each element of your new custom built home. Below are some points to consider that will increase the value of your home.

Choose a Prime Location

How many times have you heard location, location, location even the most amazing home needs to have a prime location that fits your interests and down the road when you decide to sell. When choosing the lot or area for your new custom …

Property Investment That’s Fun


If you are a property owner and would like to both satisfy your inner child and make a return when you go to sell your home then you might want to think about investing in your own garden pub shet. With limitless options available you can create your own custom garden pub shed to suit your likes.

There are only a few steps need to be taken before starting out on this project. The first of which is getting around the government zoning issues that are abound with any building project. You need to first contact your local government office that deals with building plans and inspections. You will need to find out the specifics on whether or not you will need a building permit to start construction. Certain considerations such as if the structure is mobile or not will affect its classification so be sure to check all angles …