Archive for December 10th, 2016

Tips to Make Laundry Day a Breeze

Most people dread laundry day and don’t look forward to the mountain of laundry they will have to spend near an hour sorting before they can even begin washing. The amount of work that laundry day dumps on us all is enough for a lot of us to want to boycott wearing clothing. However, don’t despair, hope and help are on the way in the form of tips and shortcuts to take the dirt out of laundry day.


It’s All in the Sort

One of the most time-consuming chores associated with laundry day is the mountainous pile of laundry that grows as we carelessly throw worn and dirty clothing onto an eclectic pile of odds and ends clothing. We leave all the work to the one day that we plan on washing, making the whole task a tiring and work intensive chore. Believe it or not, laundry day should start …